BCDI - Atlanta LEAN
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Welcome to BCDI-Atlanta's online community - Leadership & Equity Advancement Network (LEAN)! This forum is space for early education stakeholders to connect and share with each other. Start by posting your thoughts, sharing media, or creating a poll related to advancing equity in early care and education.
BCDI-Atlanta's Expand ECE (Early Care & Education) initiative seeks to increase the diversity of early childhood education leaders and provide ongoing leadership support for childcare program owners, center directors, and family/group childcare providers, through programming, such as monthly LEAN Gatherings. Learn more about Expand ECE and LEAN at https://www.bcdiatlanta.org/early-care.
Group Rules
Respect one another
Everyone has a different point of view so feel free to respectfully disagree. Please be kind and courteous at all times.
Be respectful of others’ privacy
Being in this group depends on our trust of one another. Some discussions may be sensitive or contain sensitive information, so what’s said in the group should stay in the group.
Copyright infringement and trademark
When sharing others people’s posts, images and other content, do not infringe on their copyright or claim other people’s materials as your own.
No harassment of any kind
Bullying, targeting, or attacking a member of this group is not allowed and will not be tolerated.
No sales or spam
No selling to or spamming other members is allowed in this group. Anyone who does so will be subject to immediate removal.
- Public
Anyone can view this group.
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September 20, 2023
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