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National Black Child Development Week (NBCDW) 2023 Recap

BCDI Atlanta

BCDI-Atlanta enjoyed engaging with community stakeholders during National Black Child Development Week (NBCDW) on June 5-June 9, 2023! Celebrating Pillars of the Black Community, the week was filled with remarkable events aimed to highlight and uplift the efforts of local leaders and the positive impact of NBCDI’s Village Network.

"The State of Black Children in Atlanta" - President's Address with Dr. Bisa Lewis

To kickoff NBCDW, Dr. Bisa Lewis, President of BCDI-Atlanta, delivered a powerful State of Black Children in Atlanta address shedding light on alarming statistics from United Way of Greater Atlanta’s 2023 Child Well-Being Outlook: Insights for Impact Report, which revealed only one-third of black children have their early care and education needs met, while 500,000 children in 13 counties in Greater Atlanta lack basic resources they need for survival. Dr. Bisa and BCDI-Atlanta have taken up the challenge to combat these issues through three focus areas: early care and education, literacy, and family engagement.

Under the umbrella of early care and education, BCDI-Atlanta continues Lifted Voices, a comprehensive initiative consisting of professional development programs, training, and community cafes. Additionally, BCDI-Atlanta implements three tiers through Lifted Voices to systematically address the needs of diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice.

BCDI-Atlanta also prioritizes literacy through programs such as Read to Succeed and Raising a Leader, distributing culturally responsive children's books and academic materials to support early learning. Thanks to collaborative efforts with NBCDI, over 3,000 children's books have already been distributed in quarters one and two of this year.

Furthermore, BCDI-Atlanta emphasized the importance of family engagement by implementing Powerful Families, a program designed to enhance family capacities and foster collaboration with the primary goal of improving economic stability.

NAACFRC Conference

During NBCDW, Dr. Bisa Lewis represented BCDI-Atlanta as she served on the Closing Panel at the National African American Child and Family Research Center's Annual Community-Engaged Research Conference. Hosted at the Morehouse School of Medicine, the event focused on co-creating research to support Black resistance and joy.

Celebrating our Mayor, Andre Dickens and ATL Year of the Youth

The week concluded with a conversation between Dr. Bisa Lewis and Atlanta's Mayor Andre Dickens, celebrating ATL Year of the Youth. This initiative aims to provide a nurturing environment for children to thrive and fulfill their dreams. BCDI-Atlanta supports this cause and encourages individuals to get involved through group projects by signing up at

NBCDW 2023 was remarkable and showcased the dedication of NBCDI’s affiliates and its collaborators to uplift the Black pillars in their communities. BCDI-Atlanta aims to create a future where all children are well and have the opportunity to succeed.



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